Unit 2 Overview: Neuroaesthetics Approaches to the Visual Arts—Perception Focus Topic: CGI-Generated Creative Content and Artificial Intelligence


Breda Pamela


AbstractNeuroaesthetics seeks to unravel the neural mechanisms underlying both bottom-up and top-down processes in perception. By studying how the brain processes visual stimuli and how this processing relates to subjective aesthetic experiences, researchers aim to gain insights into the complex interplay between neural mechanisms, perception, and art appreciation. In this essay, I will focus in particular on neuroaesthetics studies focused on how the brain perceives and processes aesthetic stimuli in relation to visual artworks, and in particular to CGI-generated creative content, such as images and videos.


Springer International Publishing

Reference23 articles.

1. Alleyne, A. (2018). AI-produced artwork sells for $433K, smashing expectations. Edition.cnn.com. Written by and Retrieved July 10, 2022, from https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/obvious-ai-art-christies-auction-smart-creativity/index.html#:~:text=The%20slightly%20blurry%20canvas%20print,Christie's%20auction%20in%20New%20York

2. Berridge, K. C. (1947). Evolving concepts of emotion and motivation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1–20.

3. Cela-Conde, J. C., García-Prieto, J., Ramasco, J. J., Mirasso, C., Bajo, R., Munar, E., Flexas, A., Del-Pozo, F., Maestú, F. (2013). Dynamics of brain networks in the aesthetic appreciation. PNAS, 110(2), 10454–10461.

4. Chamberlain, R., Mullin, C. R., Scheerlinck, B., & Wagemans, J. (2017). Putting the art in artificial: Aesthetic responses to computer-generated art. Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts, 12(2), 177–192.

5. Chatterjee, A., & Cardillo, E. R. (2022). Brain, beauty, & art: Essays bringing neuroaesthetics into focus. Oxford University Press.








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