1. “2021 Suez Canal Obstruction, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Suez_Canal_obstruction
2. Evolution of Containerships, The Geography of Transport Systems, https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter5/maritime-transportation/evolution-containerships-classes/
3. Marc Dupuis and Barry Welch, Designing Cells for the Future – Wider and/or even Higher Amperage?, ALUMINIUM, 93 (1/2), 2017, 45-49.
4. Marc Dupuis, Second Attempt to Break 10 kWh/kg Energy Consumption Barrier Using a Wide Cell Design, Proceedings of the 37th International ICSOBA Conference, 2019, 849–859.
5. Peter Entner, About HHCellVolt, https://peter-entner.com/apr18_files_index/hhcellvolt_pamphlet.pdf