1. Beecroft FG, Brash DW (1983) Field trial investigation of horticultural response on relocated soil in a semi-arid environment, Central Otago, New Zealand. DSIR Soil Bureau District Office Report No. DN 14
2. Best E (1924) The Maori as he was: a brief account of Maori life as it was in pre-European days. NZ Board of Science and Art No. 4. Dominion Museum, Wellington. 272 p
3. Best E (1925) Māori agriculture: The cultivated food plants of the natives of New Zealand, with some account of native methods of agriculture, its ritual and origin myths. Dominion Museum Bulletin No. 9. 172 p
4. Bruce JG (1979) Soils of Hamilton City, North Island, NZ. NZ Soil Survey report 31, 65 p + map
5. Bruce JG (1984) Soils of the Gore-Waikaka District, South Island. New Zealand. NZ Soil Survey Report 74, 86p