1. J. Morrow, “Fatigue Properties of Metals,” Section 3.2 of Fatigue Design Handbook (Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1968)
2. L.F. Coffin Jr., A study of the effects of cyclic thermal stresses on a ductile metal. Trans. ASME 76, 931 (1954)
3. S.S. Manson, Fatigue-Complex subject—some simple approximations. Exp. Mech. 5, 193 (1965)
4. K.N. Smith, P. Watson, T.H. Topper, A stress strain function for the fatigue of metals. J. Mater. 5, 767 (1970)
5. I. Marines-Garcia, P.C. Paris, D. Lados, H. Tada, Fatigue crack growth from small to large cracks in gigacycle fatigue with fish-eye failures, in 9th International Fatigue Congress Atlanta, USA, May 2006. Also, P.C. Paris, D. Lados, H. Tada, Eng. Fract. Mech. 75, 299 (2008)