1. Agee, James. 1949. “Comedy’s Greatest Era.” Life Magazine, 3 September. Reprinted in Agee on Film: Reviews and Comments [1964]. Boston: Beacon Press.
2. Azlant, Edward. 1980. The Theory, History, and Practice of Screenwriting, 1897–1920. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.
3. Banks, Miranda. 2015. The Writers: A History of American Screenwriters and Their Guild. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
4. Beau Revel. 1921. Written by Luther Reed and Louis Joseph Vance. Directed by John Griffith Wray. USA: Thomas H. Ince Corporation.
5. Beauchamp, Cari. 1997. Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood. New York: Scribner.