1. Henning, A.: Modellierung der Schnittgeometrie beim Schneiden mit dem Wasserabrasivstrahl, Dissertation, Universitaet Stuttgart. ISBN 978-3-939890-28-7, Jost Jetter Verlag, Heinsheim
2. Henning, A., Miles, P.: Efficiency drives cutting performance. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Water Jetting, BHR Group, Seattle, USA, pp. 16–18, November 2016
3. Westkämper, E., Henning, A., Radons, G., Friedrich, R., Ditzinger, T.: Cutting edge quality through process modeling of the abrasive waterjet. In: Teti, R. (Hrsg.): CIRP; Proceedings of 2nd CIRP International, Seminar, 21–23 June 2000, pp. 179–188 (2000)
4. Henning, A., Liu, H.T., Olsen, C.: Economic and technical efficiency of high performance abrasive waterjet cutting. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pressure Vessels, PVP2010, ASME, 18–22 July, Bellevue, Washington (2010)
5. Henning, A., Miles, P.: Effect of pressure on abrasive waterjet cutting performance. In: 22nd International Conference on Water Jetting, BHR Group, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 3–5 September 2014