1. Aristotle, Poetics, ed. Stephen Halliwell (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014).
2. Barker, William, trans, The Adages of Erasmus (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2001).
3. Barrow, Henry, A Plaine Refutation of M. G. Giffardes Reprochful Booke, Intituled a Short Treatise Against the Donatists of England (1591), Sig. Biij v., EEBO at
[accessed 16 July 2018].
4. Erasmus, De duplici copia rerum ac verborum commentarii duo (Paris, 1512), EEBO at
[accessed 16 July 2018].
5. Joyce, James, Ulysses (London: Bodley Head, 2002).