1. Available reports from the R&D program Durable Structures (2012–2015). https://vegvesen.brage.unit.no/vegvesen-xmlui/handle/11250/2619244. (mainly in Norwegian)
2. Available reports from the R&D program Improved Bridge Maintenance (2017–2022): https://vegvesen.brage.unit.no/vegvesen-xmlui/handle/11250/2616457. (mainly in Norwegian)
3. Lindgård, J., et al.: 236661 KPN-ASR Test report 1, SINTEF-report SBF2017 F0107, Test report 2, SINTEF-report 2018:00084, Test report 3, SINTEF-report 2019: 00741 (restricted) (2017–2019)
4. Champagne, M., et al.: Field and laboratory investigations on condition assessment of ASR-affected structures. Under final revision prior to submission in peer reviewed journal
5. Rodum, E., Pedersen, B.M.: Condition survey of ASR-affected bridges. Field and laboratory methods. NPRA report No 852 (2022). (in Norwegian)