1. Bloom, Clive. Gothic Horror: A Guide for Students and Readers. 2nd ed. London, Palgrave, 2007.
2. Botting, Fred. Gothic. London, Routledge, 1995.
3. Chadbourne, Mark. ‘The King of Hauntology’. In We Are the Martians: The Legacy of Nigel Kneale. Ed. Neil Snowdon. Hornsea, PS Publishing, 2017. 11–24.
4. Freud, Sigmund. ‘The “Uncanny”’. In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. 17 (1917–1919): An Infantile Neurosis and Other Works. Trans. James Strachley. London, Random House, 1955. 217–256.
5. Groom, Nick. The Gothic: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.