The Iberian and New World Circulation of Sacrobosco’s Sphaera in the Early Modern Period


Ulla Lorenzo Alejandra


AbstractThe aim of this paper is to reconstruct the circulation of Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera in early modern Iberian Peninsula and New World printing. We will present a survey on the locally active printers and publishers who contributed to the circulation of the Sphaera thanks to the information now offered by the Iberian Books database. This will be followed by a general discussion about the professional profile held by the printers and publishers who took part in the publication and circulation of the text in the Iberian Peninsula and America. Both markets were probably related through Seville. With this group of printers and publishers in mind, we will analyze what can be inferred from their production in terms of their approach to publishing, what audience were they generally targeting, their commercial scope, and how the Sphaera fit into their general production and commercial plan.


Springer International Publishing

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