1. Anon. 1958. Obmen pis′mami mezhdu Gosudarstvennym Departamentom SShA i Posol′stvom SSSR v SShA po voprosu ob Antarktike [Exchange of Letters between the US State Department and the Embassy of the USSR on the Antarctic Question]. Pravda, June 4: 5.
2. ———. 2010. Panel Discussion. 190 let nazad byl otkryt shestoj kontinent [190 Years Ago the Sixth Continent was Discovered]. Rossiya kul′tura, January 29.
3. ———. 2016. Novosti [Announcements]. Rossiya I Website, January. The link to this announcement [https://russia.tv/article/show/article_id/23592] is no longer valid, but the film itself, now owned by VGTRK’s Rossiya 24 Channel, can be viewed in two parts on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLCTpawMiVE.
4. ———. 2019. S kreshheniem: èstonskij “Bellinsgauzen” otpravitsya zanogo otkryvat′ Antarktidu [A Christening: An Estonian Bellingshausen Prepares to Discover Antarctica Again]. Sputnik eesti, June 11.
5. ———. n.d.-b. Osvoenie chelovekom Antarktidy [Human Mastery of Antarctica]. http://interneturok.ru/geografy/7-klass/materiki-antarktida/osvoenie-chelovekom-antarktidy.