A Forgotten Letter (1821)


Bulkeley Rip


Springer International Publishing

Reference23 articles.

1. Andreev, A.I. 1949a. Russkie v Antarktike v 1819–1821 gg. [Russians in the Antarctic 1819–1821]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk: seriya istorii i filosofii 6 (1): 77–78.

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4. Anon, ed. 1793. Captain Cook’s Third and Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. London: Fielding and Stockdale.

5. ———. 1821/1822. Schedule of Rations Consumed on Vostok. n.d. but after August 27. SARN—F–132, S–1, P–813, fos 45–53v.








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