1. Allen, James D. V., (1981) “Swahili Culture and the Nature of the East Coast Settlement”, International Journal of African Studies, vol. 14, no. 2: 324.
2. Axelson, Eric, (1973) Portuguese in Southeast Africa 1488-1600, (Johannesburg: C. Struik).
3. Beaujard, Philippe, (2019) The World of the Indian Ocean: A Global History Vol II (Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press). See especially Chap 12.
4. Boston, Thomas D., (1997) “The East African Coast During the Age of Exploration” A Different Vision: Race and Public Policy, Vol 2, ed. T.D. Boston (New York: Routledge, 1997), pp. 189–205.
5. Davis, Ralph, (1973). The Rise of the Atlantic Economies, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).