La Mia Scuola è Differente, an After-School Program with an Intercultural Focus: The Challenges and Opportunities of Program Development


Bugno Lisa,Agostinetto Luca


AbstractLa Mia Scuola È Differente (LMSD) is in the process of formation, aimed at creating an after-school program that promotes diversity, increases social inclusion, and empowers children who attend primary and middle schools located in a community of children and families with migrant backgrounds. The neighborhood contends with cultural segregation, lack of integration with Italian residents, and social stigma. Such a context is the setting for Padova’s 7th Instituto Comprensivo (read District) “San Camillo,” which includes four primary schools and three secondary schools. The LMSD project began in 2019 and is focused on individual and collective transformation. By using the school as a socially inclusive community hub and a transformative space during afternoons, the project reinforces the school’s role in challenging social exclusion in the neighborhood, while offering children a safe, quality environment during their caregivers’ working hours. The after-school program engages children in various creative, innovative activities that foster linguistic, emotional, scientific, and technological skills. The educational initiatives are carefully designed to promote quality experiences and embodied learning, and special attention is paid to family engagement. Intercultural education is emphasized in this chapter, as it is based on collective work and commitments.


Springer Nature Switzerland

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