1. Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (1995). Health and culture: Beyond the western paradigm. Sage. (There are several other related articles by him).
2. Alvarado, G., Skinner, M., Plaut, D., Moss, C., Kapungu, C., & Reavley, N. (2017). A systematic review of positive youth development programs in low- and middle-income countries. YouthPower Learning, Making Cents International.
3. Aubel, J. (2020). Empowering grandmother leaders to support and protect girls: An experience from Senegal. Practice Issue, 15, 12–14.
4. Aubel, J. (2010). Elders: A cultural resource for promoting sustainable development. In E. Assadourian (Ed.), 2010 State of the world: Transforming cultures from consumerism to sustainability. Worldwatch Institute.
5. Aubel, J., & Rychtarik, A. (2015). Focus on family and culture. Grandmother project – change through culture for TOPS project funded by USAID, Washington D.C.