1. Nichols, K., Holbrook, M., Pitts, R., Gifford, K., Jenkins, A., Kuzminsky, S.: DTN implementation and utilization options on the international space station. In: Oral/Visual Presentation of SpaceOps 2010 Conference, 25–30 April, Huntsville, AL, United States (2010). Introduce DTN implementation and operation and its development
2. Davis, F.A., Marquart, J.K., Menke, G.: Benefits of delay tolerant networking for earth science missions. In: Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp. 1–10, March 2012
3. Bezirgiannidis, N., Burleigh, S., Tsaoussidis, V.: Delivery time estimation for space bundles. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 49(3), 1897–1910 (2013). We present a method for predicting delivery time of bundles in space internetworks
4. Ginzboorg, P., Niemi, V., Ott, J.: Fragmentation algorithms for DTN links. Comput. Commun. 36, 279–290 (2013). In this paper we show how the problem of in-time transmission of fragmented messages in disrupted networks can be solved in the simplest case of transmission over a single disrupted link
5. Ginzboorg, P., Niemi, V., Ott, J.: Message fragmentation in disruptive networks. NRC-TR-2009-003 (2009). In this paper, we formalize message fragmentation in such networks, investigate the impact of fragmentation on message forwarding over a single link