Input-Output Analysis and Cleaner Production


Fet Annik Magerholm,Haskins Cecilia,Sparrevik Magnus


AbstractThis chapter gives an overview of the basic principles for analysing material flows for production processes. This type of analysis is based on a calculation of materials going in and out of a process. Typical materials to be accounted for are energy, raw materials and other supporting materials. Likewise, outputs from a production process are waste of different types, emissions to air, water and soil, as well as noise, radiation, vibrations, and loss of heat. In an input-output analysis, the by-products from the process are also accounted for. The chapter also explains the principles of cleaner production starting with the motivation from corporate leadership to make production processes cleaner: to reduce waste and emissions and use material in a more efficient way. The concept of Cleaner Production (CP) also embraces strategic changes for making production and products cleaner and greener. However, the purpose of the chapter to provide information about basic principles for collecting information to be used in an environmental account for organisations, which will help them improve their overall environmental performance.


Springer International Publishing

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