1. Attarian, J. (2003). Brave New World and the Flight from God. In H. Bloom (Ed.), Aldous Huxley (pp. 9–24). Chelsea House.
2. Bedford, S. (1974). Aldous Huxley: A Biography. Chatto & Windus.
3. Bergson, H. (1911). Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (C. Brereton & F. Rothwell, Trans.). MacMillan. (Original work published 1900).
4. Beringause, A. F. (1964). Debate Between Body and Soul. The CEA Critic, 24(9), 1–4.
5. Cuppy, W. J. (1975). Huxley as a Serious Writer. In D. Watt (Ed.), Aldous Huxley: The Critical Heritage (pp. 74–76). Routledge.