Helmig Thorsten,Liu Hui,Winter Simon,Bergs Thomas,Kneer Reinhold
AbstractCurrent modeling approaches of cutting processes require on the one hand extensive numerical and analytical simulations and further an experienced user in the field of numerical simulations, which makes a large-scale application time-consuming to apply.Therefore, the goal is to implement existing models into an established side-milling simulation program aiming for a computationally fast and user-friendly simulation approach capable of predicting transient tool temperatures along the cutting edge. Aim of this work is the development of the thermal model, which can later be implemented into existing programs. The model process involves the following two major steps: First, a geometric engagement simulation of the milling process with a parameterizable tool geometry is performed. These results are used to form a database linking the specific cutting force components with the heat flux components. Second, a three-dimensional transient heat conduction model of the cutter is established, applying the calculated heat flux components as boundary conditions in the simulation. Finally, first results of the performed simulation are presented and evaluated, in particular to validate the work flow and user accessibility. Future studies will then focus on further parameter analysis and experimental validation.
Springer International Publishing