1. National Library of Wales. MS. 218073.
2. [Cavendish, Margaret], Assaulted and Pursued Chastity in Lilley, Margaret Cavendish: The Blazing World and Other Writings, Kate Lilley, ed. (London: Penguin Group, 2004).
3. ———. The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing World written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent Princesse, The Duchess of Newcastle (London: A Maxwell, 1666).
4. ———. Sociable Letters (London, 1664).
5. ———. ‘A True Relation of My Birth, Breeding and Life’ in The Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle: To which is added the True Relation of My Birth, Breeding and Life. Charles Harding Firth, ed. (New York: Scribner and Welford, 1886).