Aggregation and Representation in Knowledge Coproduction: Lesson Learned from the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Scheme


Salman Faris,Mori Akihisa


AbstractA context-based approach and pluralism are often the main principles of knowledge coproduction (KCP), in addition to goal-oriented and interactive approach. To keep the original context and plurality from the knowledge source, knowledge in KCP can be bridged, scaled-up, or represented. Representation in KCP can distort results; however, it can also be beneficial especially for difficult-to-reach group members. Further, improving the structure of KCP can improve governance in instances where coproduced knowledge is used for governing processes. By conducting a case study of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), this chapter explores how the representation of citizens affects coproduction and how it impacts environmental governance in Indonesia. We utilize the principles of KCP for sustainability and the operationalization of knowledge for improving governance. We found that government-dominated development and implementation should be shifted to networked public participation to reconcile conflicting objectives of social acceptance. To improve public participation, non-government actors can play key representing roles in making the process more collaborative, and bridging and aggregating knowledge produced by stakeholders with diverse interests. Initial establishment of the ISPO endorsed the government’s predetermined agenda and suffered operationalization problem. The shift from government-dominated development and implementation to a networked and public KCP facilitated ISPO policy strengthening. The networked, public KCP formed stages where knowledge is aggregated and bridged to a higher tier of discussion through representation. Our result also provided insight that representation in KCP may not be avoided in certain situations, such as with time and economic cost constraint. The network used for KCP can benefit environmental governance, as it helps government-dominated governance incorporate civil society.


Springer International Publishing

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