1. Beach, F. (1882). On types of imbecility (paper read before the Harveian Society). Pardon & Sons, Printers.
2. Crothers, T. D. (1895). Inebriety and imbecility: A medico-legal study. Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard.
3. Greenlees, T. D. (1907). The etiology, symptoms and treatment of idiocy and imbecility [publisher not identified].
4. Haslam, J. (1823). A letter to the ... Lord Chancellor, on the nature and interpretation of unsoundness of mind, and imbecility of intellect. R. Hunter.
5. Howard, H. (1882). A rational materialistic definition of insanity and imbecility: With the medical jurisprudence of legal criminality, founded upon physiological, psychological and clinical observations. Dawson.