1. The Thing from Another World (Christian Nyby, Warner Brothers 1951). Obsession with dangerous scientific research [DVD scenes 14, 17, 18]
2. Absolute Zero (Robert Lee, Marvista Entertainment 2006). Following a totally nonsensical explanation for global climate change, a scientist asserts that “Science is never wrong” [DVD scenes 1, 2]
3. Dunlop, D.J.: Magnetic recording in rocks. Physics Today, June 2012
4. The Happening (M. Night Shyamalan, 20th Century Fox 2008). The lead character, a high school science teacher, clearly doesn’t understand the difference between a scientific theory and an opinion [DVD scene 4]
5. Woman in the Moon (Fritz Lang, UFA 1929). Scientific experiments on the Moon, followed by pseudoscience [DVD scene 15]