1. D. Alpay and I. Gohberg, Unitary rational functions and orthogonal matrix polynomials, preprint, 1987.
2. D. Alpay and I Gohberg, Unitary rational matrix functions, in press.
3. H. Bart, I. Gohberg and M.A. Kaashoek, Minimal factorizations of matrix and Operator Functions, OT1: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol 1, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1979.
4. R. Ellis, I. Gohberg and D. Lay, On two theorems of M.G. Krein concerning on the unit circle, Integral Equation and Operator Theory 11 (1988), 87–104.
5. I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster and L. Rodman, Matrices and indefinite scalar products, OT8: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol 8, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1983.