1. G.A. Voss et al., The 19 GeV e+ e− Storage Ring PETRA, 1979 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sc. Vol. NS 26, No.3, 2970
2. D. Degèle et al., Results of Machine Physics Studies on PETRA in 1979, DESY 80/10
3. A. Febel, G. Hemmie, PIA, The Positron Intensity Accumulator for the PETRA Injection, IEEE Trans. of Nucl. Sc. Vol.NS 26, No.3, 3244, A. Febel, G. Hemmie, this conference.
4. S. Pätzold, to be published
5. K. Wille, Damping of Coherent Transverse Oscillations in PETRA, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sc. NS 26, 3, 3281