1. The LEP Study Group, Design Study of a 22 to 130 GeV e+e− Colliding Beam Machine (LEP), CERN-ISR-LEP/79-33 (1979).
2. K. Steffen, J. Kewisch, PETROS, DESY-PET 76/09 (1976).
3. M.J. Lee et al., Control of Closed Orbit Deviation Due to Synchrotron Radiation, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-22, No. 3, June 1975.
4. M. Bassetti, Beam Trajectories in the Presence of Strong Radiation, Petra Meeting, 12-16 January, 1976 (unpublished).
5. M. Bassetti, Is it possible to cross the beams in all symmetry points with one RF only in presence of radiation losses? Idem.