1. Brown A (2014) Evolution of Brazilian electricity market. World Bank/NEW Seminar 17 January 2014, Beijing, China. Available and last accessed 18 October 2014: http://www.hks.harvard.edu/hepg/Papers/2014/World%20Bank%20China%20Jan%2017%202014.pdf
2. Cleveland S (2013) “Getting gas right: navigating the shale boom to reap the most benefits for the climate”, International Conference on “Policy delivery on low carbon energy generation infrastructure in the UK”, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, 5 April 2013. Available and last accessed 18 October 2014: http://www.stir.ac.uk/cehp/newsandevents/policy-delivery/
3. Heffron RJ (2012) Lessons from the United States: for legal change and delay in energy law in the United Kingdom. Int Energy Law Rev 31(2):71–77. (Discusses the path to the development of the UK Energy Bill 2013)
4. Heffron RJ (2013a) The application of contrast explanation to energy policy research: UK nuclear energy policy 2002–2012. Energy Policy 55:602–616. (Discusses the path to the development of the UK Energy Bill 2013)
5. Heffron RJ (2013b) Targeted legislation: the saviour of climate change mitigation. Chevening Global Environmental Event, Edinburgh School of Law, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 22 March 2013