1. E. Grorud, J.L. Laclare, G. Leleux, Résonances de dépolarisation dans Saturne 2 - Traitement par Ordinateur (Appendix B). Int. Rep. GOC-GERMA 75-48/TP-28, Saturne, CEA Sacaly (24 juillet 1975)
2. A. Chao, Evaluation of radiative spin polarization in an electron storage ring. SLAC-PUB-2564 (July 1980). https://inspirehep.net/files/e1af98d473d259c96fcd0aea6c7f8519
3. F. Méot, A Numerical method for combined spin tracking and ray tracing of charged particles. Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 313, 492–500 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-9002(92)90829-S
4. Integration of Thomas-BMT equation was introduced in Raytrace [23] in 1986, by N. Tsoupas, BNL, together with the handling of magnetic field maps, in the context of polarized beam and partial snake developments at the AGS. This allowed for instance to use the AGS main magnet measured field maps and track spins in their stray field along the extraction line to RHIC collider
5. Capabilities of a series of accelerator codes, including spin, as inventoried in: Los Alamos Accelerator Group: Computer Codes for Particle Accelerator Design and Analysis; A Compendium. LA-UR-90-1766 (May 1990), seem to be subject to some maintenance in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerator_physics_codes#cite_note-1