1. Agamben, Giorgio. Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty. Translated by Adam Kotsko. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013.
2. Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. London: Penguin Books, 2006.
3. Ashby, Richard. King Lear ‘After’ Auschwitz: Shakespeare, Appropriation and Theatres of Catastrophe in Post-War British Drama. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
4. Bacon, Francis. The Major Works. Edited by Brian Vickers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
5. Calvert, Jonathan, George Arbuthnott, and Tom Calver. ‘New Tory Sleaze Row as Donors Who Pay £3m Get Seats in House of Lords’. Accessed 3 January 2023. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/new-tory-sleaze-row-as-donors-who-pay-3m-get-seats-in-house-of-lords-2575s6jmp.