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2. Feynman, Richard P. 1999. The pleasure of finding things out. The best short works of Richard P. Feynman, edited by Jeffrey Robbins. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing.
3. Gozzi, Raymond. 1997. “G-Prime: Lycophron and the culture wars of ancient Greece”. In E-Prime III: a third anthology, edited by Bourland, David D., and Paul Dennithorne Johnston, 17–23. Concord, CA: International Society of General Semantics.
4. Janicki, Karol. 2010. Confusing discourse. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
5. Johnston, Paul Dennithorne. 1991. “Escape from the frozen universe: Discovering general semantics”. In To be or not: An E-prime anthology, edited by Bourland, D. David Jr. and Paul Dennithorne Johnston, 15–20. San Francisco: International Society for General Semantics.