1. Nedelcu (Dulgheru), N., Chiroiu, V., Rugină, C., Munteanu, L., Ioan, R., Girip, I., Dragne, C.: Preparation of GeSbSe thin films by conventional melt-quenching method and studying their characteristics. Results in Physics, vol 16, Martie 2020, paper 102856 (2020)
2. Dulgheru (Nedelcu), N., Gartner, M., Anastasescu, M., Stoica, M., Nicolescu, M., Stroescu, H., Atkinson, I., Bratan, V., Stanculescu, I., Szekeres, A., Terziyska, P., Fabian, M.: Influence of compositional variation on the optical and morphological properties of GeSbSe films for optoelectronics application. Infrared Phys. Technol. 93, 260–270 (2018)
3. Nedelcu, N., Chiroiu, V., Munteanu, L., Girip, I.: Optical nonlinearity in the GeSbSe chalcogenide glasses. Mater. Res. Expr. 7(6), 1–15 (2020)
4. Nedelcu, N., Chiroiu, V., Munteanu, L., Girip, I.: Characterization of GeSbSe thin films synthesized by the conventional melt-quenching method. Spectroscopy - IR Spectroscopy for today’s Spectroscopists, g 22–33, vol 35, S3, 22–33 (2020)
5. Dulgheru (Nedelcu), N.: Correlation of optical and morphostructural properties in chalcogenide compounds with applications in optoelectronics, PhD thesis, Romanian Academy (2019)