Springer International Publishing
Reference28 articles.
1. Aquinas, T. (1950–3). Summa Theologiae. In P. Caramello (Ed.), Marietti.
2. Aristotle. (1984a). Categories (J. L. Ackrill, Trans.). In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle (pp. 3–24). Princeton University Press.
3. Aristotle. (1984b). Posterior analytics (J. Barnes, Trans.). In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle (pp. 114–166). Princeton University Press.
4. Aristotle. (1984c). Metaphysics (W. D. Ross, Trans.). In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle (pp. 1552–1728). Princeton University Press.
5. Buridan, J. (1588 [in fact 1518]). In Metaphysicen Aristotelis Questiones argutissimae. Reproduced (1964) as Kommentar zur Aristotelischen Metaphysik. Minerva.