1. Herrera-Añazco, P., Uyen-Cateriano, A., Mezones-Holguin, E., et al.: Some lessons that Peru did not learn before the second wave of Covid-19. Int. J. Health Plann. Manag. 36, 995–998 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.3135
2. Diagnosis of infrastructure and equipment gaps in the health sector (2022). Peruvian Ministry of Health. www.minsa.gob.pe/Recursos/OTRANS/08Proyectos/2022/diagnostico-brechas-infraestrucctura-sector-salud-2022.pdf. Accessed 5 May 2022
3. Current Situation of COVID-19: Peru 2020–2022 (2022). Peruvian Ministry of Health. www.dge.gob.pe/portal/docs/tools/coronavirus/coronavirus140122.pdf. Accessed 14 May 2022
4. Herrera-Añazco, P., Uyen-Cateriano, A., Mezones-Holguin, E., et al.: Some lessons that Peru did not learn before the second wave of Covid-19. Int. J. Health Plann. Manag. 36, 995–998 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.3135
5. Reportes Gerenciales de oxígeno (2022). Peruvian Ministry of Health. www.minsa.gob.pe/reunis/data/renoxi_reporte_gerencial.asp. Accessed 16 May 2022