Positioning and Conceptualising Finnish Pedagogical Leadership in the International Setting


Alava Jukka,Kovalainen Marja Terttu,Risku Mika


AbstractThis chapter presents the conceptual evolvement of Finnish pedagogical leadership in the international setting. There are three main scopes. First, we discuss the historical evolvement of school leadership in Finland. This started in the 1950s with the first initiatives towards pedagogical leadership. Then, we describe the findings of the studies of several researchers to identify various aspects and nuances of pedagogical leadership till today. Second, we discuss the findings of one of the latest theorising studies on Finnish pedagogical leadership, present its four axioms of pedagogical leadership and connect these with various international studies ending with a new understanding of the core of Finnish pedagogical leadership. Third, we combine the findings of the historical scope, and several recent Finnish studies in pedagogical leadership. Finally, we present the novel understanding of Finnish pedagogical leadership in more detail, its core, its orientations, its goals and its processes. Last, we make a proposal for a paradigm shift for teachers, day-care centre and school leaders, and educational leader educating organisations.


Springer International Publishing

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