1. @DanArndtWrites. 2021. Bilbo tells the best stories. Twitter. https://twitter.com/DanArndtWrites/status/1368245790804697092.
2. @kushisensei. 2021. Tyrion Lannister. He Has a Way with Words and His Knowledge Allows Him to Paint Scenery Like no Other. I Think he’ll be an Interesting, Albeit a Bit “Out There” DM. Twitter. https://twitter.com/kushisensei/status/1368245911835512839.
3. @Wizards_DND. 2021. If You Could Play D&D with any Fictional Character as Your Dungeon Master, Who Would You Choose and Why? Twitter. https://twitter.com/Wizards_DnD/status/1368245490228355078/.
4. Austin, J.L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words, ed. J.O. Urmson. Eastford: Martino Fine Books, 2018. First published by Harvard University Press.
5. Barthes, Roland. 1977. Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang.