Pre-trained Language Models


Paaß Gerhard,Giesselbach Sven


AbstractThis chapter presents the main architecture types of attention-based language models, which describe the distribution of tokens in texts: Autoencoders similar to BERT receive an input text and produce a contextual embedding for each token. Autoregressive language models similar to GPT receive a subsequence of tokens as input. They produce a contextual embedding for each token and predict the next token. In this way, all tokens of a text can successively be generated. Transformer Encoder-Decoders have the task to translate an input sequence to another sequence, e.g. for language translation. First they generate a contextual embedding for each input token by an autoencoder. Then these embeddings are used as input to an autoregressive language model, which sequentially generates the output sequence tokens. These models are usually pre-trained on a large general training set and often fine-tuned for a specific task. Therefore, they are collectively called Pre-trained Language Models (PLM). When the number of parameters of these models gets large, they often can be instructed by prompts and are called Foundation Models. In further sections we described details on optimization and regularization methods used for training. Finally, we analyze the uncertainty of model predictions and how predictions may be explained.


Springer International Publishing

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