1. Bond, Anthony, ‘An Australian Odyssey: Connecting to International Contemporary Art’ in Forbat, Sophie (ed), 40 Years: Kaldor Public Art Projects, Sydney: Kaldor Public Art Projects, 2009.
2. Coates, Rebecca, The Rise of the Private Art Foundation: John Kaldor Art Projects 1969–2012, PhD Thesis, Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 2013.
3. Coates, Rebecca, ‘John Kaldor’s Early Art Projects and the NGV’ in Art Journal No. 54, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2015.
4. Ellis Smith, Robert, Ben Webster’s Website: Privacy and Curiosity from Plymouth Rock to the Internet, Providence: Privacy Journal, 2004.
5. Foucault, Michel, ‘What Is an Author?’ in Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, ed. Donald F. Bouchard, trans. Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry Simon, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980 [1969].