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2. Berger, S. and LaPorte, N. (2010) Friendly Enemies. Britian and the GDR, 1949–1990 (Oxford: Berghahn Books).
3. Bess, M. (1993) Realism, Utopia, and the Mushroom Cloud. Four Activist Intellectuals and Their Strategies for Peace, 1945–1989, Louise Weiss (France), Leo Szilard (United States), E. P. Thompson (England), Danilo Dolci (Italy) (Chicago: Phoenix Fiction).
4. Bess, M. D. (1993) ‘The Historian as an Activist’, American Historical Review, 98, 1, 19–38.
5. Byrne, P. (1988) The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (London: Croom Helm Ltd.).