1. L. Wolfgang Bibel. Reflexionen vor Reflexen – Memoiren eines Forschers. Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen, 2017.
2. Wolfgang Bibel. Schnittelimination in einem Teilsystem der einfachen Typenlogik. Archiv für Mathematische Logik, 12:159–178, 1969.
3. Wolfgang Bibel. An approach to a systematic theorem proving procedure in first-order logic. Computing, 12:43-55, 1974. First presented to the GI Annual Conference in 1971
4. also available as Bericht Nr. 7207, Technische Universitat Munchen, Abteilung Mathematik (1972).
5. Wolfgang Bibel and Joachim Schreiber. Proof search in a Gentzen-like system of first-order logic. In E. Gelenbe and D. Poitier, editors, Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium, pages 205–212, Amsterdam, 1975. North–Holland.