

Aguirre Jaime


Springer Nature Switzerland

Reference17 articles.

1. Dafert, F. W. (1887) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kjeldahlschen Stickstoff-Bestimmungs-Verfahrens (Contributions to the knowledge of the Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method), Die Landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen (The Agricultural Experimental Station), 34:311-353.

2. Kebler, Lyman F. (1891) Notes on the estimation of nitrogen in nitrates by Kjeldahl’s method, and an index to the literature on the estimation of nitrogen, The Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, 5:257-278.

3. Vickery, Hubert Bradford (1946) The early years of the Kjeldahl method to determine nitrogen, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 18(6):473-516.

4. Kirk, P. L. (1950) Kjeldahl method for total nitrogen, Analytical Chemistry, 22(2):354–358. Excerpt from page 354 reproduced with permission of American Chemical Society. Copyright © 1950 by ACS. Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center (CCC).

5. Kjeldahl, Johan (1883) En ny Methode til Kvælstofbestemmelse i organiske Stoffer (On a new method for nitrogen determination in organic substances), Meddelelser fra Carlsberg laboratoriet. Udgivne ved Laboratoriets Bestyrelse (Reports from the Carlsberg Laboratory. Published by the Laboratory’s Board of Directors), 2:1–25. Excerpt from page 2 reproduced with permission of Carlsberg Foundation/Carlsberg Research Laboratory. Copyright © 1883 by Carlsberg Foundation/Carlsberg Research Laboratory.







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