1. Abramowitsch, S.J. 1862. Toldót hatéva 1 [as transcribed on the front page: Toldot Hateba] (Hebrew: History of Nature 1). Vol. 1: Ha-Yoneqim [Mammals]. Leipzig: C.W. Vollrath. (Based on a book by H.O. Lenz.)
2. Abramowitsch, S.J. 1866. Toldot Hateba. Gemennützige Naturgeschichte. 2: Vögel. = Toldót hatéva 2 (Hebrew: History of Nature 2). Vol. 2: Ha-‘Of [Birds]. Schitomir [i.e., Žitomir]: A.S. Schadow.
3. Abramowitsch, S.J. 1872. Toldót hatéva 3 (Hebrew: History of Nature 3). Vol. 3: Ha-Zohalim [Reptiles]. Vilna [i.e., Vilnius]: Romm.
4. Abu-Haidar, Farida. 1991. Christian Arabic of Baghdad. (Semitica Viva, 7.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
5. Adang, Camilla. 1996. Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm. Leiden: Brill.