1. Bentley, Jr., G. E., ed. Vala; Or, The Four Zoas: A Facsimile of the Manuscript, a Transcript of the Poem, and a Study of Its Growth and Significance. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1963.
2. Burgh, James. The Art of Speaking. London: Printed for T. Longman, J. Buckland, and W. Fenner. 1761.
3. Burke, Edmund. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [1757] 2014.
4. Erdman, David. “Night the Seventh: The Editorial Problem”. BIQ, 12.2: 135–9. 1978.
5. Paine, Thomas. Common Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Philadelphia, printed; London, re-printed, for J. Almon. 1776.