1. S. Weinberg,“Dreams of a Final Theory”,Random House (1972).
2. W. Pauli,1926a Letter to Schrödinger,22 November (1926). See A. Hermann,K. von Meyenn and V. F. Weisskopf,Eds,“Wolfgang Pauli. Scientific Cor-respondence with Bohr,Einstein,Heisenberg and others vol. 1 1919–1929.(Spring 1979).
3. L. Hoddeson,G. Baym and M. Eckert,“The Development of the quantum-mechanical electron theory of metals: 1928–1933”Rev Mod. Phys. 59287–327 (1987).
4. L. N??elAnn. Phys. (Paris) 171932 (1933);
5. L. LandauPhys. Z. Sowjet 4675 (1933);