1. Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015.
2. On the Agricultural Advisory Activity: Law of Ukraine (Зaкoн Укpaїни Пpo ciльcькoгocпoдapcькy дopaдчy дiяльнicть) 17.06.2004. № 1807-IV. Information of the Verkhovna Rada. № 38. c. 470. (2004).
3. Anderson, J.R.: Agricultural Advisory Services. Background Paper for the World Development Report 2008 (2008)
4. http://abi.gtk.szie.hu/system/files/upload/course_material/5._agricultural-advisor-services_wdr_2008.pdf
5. Campbell, B., Thornton, P., Christensen, S., Sunga, I., Solomon, D.: Agricultural Advisory Services at a Global Scale (2018).