1. Amhurst, Nicholas. 1720a. An Epistle (With a Petition in it) to Sir John Blount, Bart. One of the Directors of the South-Sea Company. London: Printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street.
2. ———. 1720b. A Familiar Epistle from Tunbridge-Wells to a Gentleman at Oxford. London: Printed for R. Francklin, at the Sun in Fleet-Street.
3. An Epistle from Dick Francklin, Bookseller; To Nick Amhurst, Poet, up Three-Pair of Stairs. Occasion’d by his Epistle to Sir J—n Bl—t. 1721. London: Printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; and Sold by J. Graves, in St. James’s-Street; and J. Woodman, under Will’s Coffee-House, Covent Garden.
4. Anon. 1720a. ‘A promissory Epistle to William Morley, Esq; one of the Directors of the South-Sea Company’. Weekly Journal, or Saturday’s Post 87, 30 July: 517–18.
5. ———. 1720b. An Epistle to William Morley Esq; One of the Directors of the South-Sea Company. London: Printed for J. Roberts near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-lane.