1. S.S. Abhyankar, Local uniformization on algebraic surfaces over ground fields of characteristic p≠0. Ann. Math. (2) 63, 491–526 (1956)
2. S.S. Abhyankhar, Resolution of singularities of arithmetical surfaces, in Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry (Proceedings of the Conference on Purdue University, 1963) (Harper and Row, New York, 1965), pp. 111–152
3. S.S. Abhyankar, An algorithm on polynomials in one indeterminate with coefficients in a two dimensional regular local domain. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 71, 25–59 (1966)
4. S.S. Abhyankar, Resolution of singularities of embedded algebraic surfaces, in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 24 (Academic, New York 1966), ix+291 pp.
5. S.S. Abhyankar, Nonsplitting of valuations in extensions of two dimensional regular local domains. Math. Ann. 170, 87–144 (1967)