1. [Ashby-Sterry, Joseph]. 3 January 1885. PAPER-KNIFE POEMS. / By Our Special Book-Marker. Punch: 2.
2. Behlman, Lee. 2018. The Case of Light Verse, or Vers de Société. Victorian Poetry 56: 477–491.
3. Frazer, William. 1851. Elements of Materia Medica, Containing the Chemistry and Natural History of Drugs. Dublin: William Frazer.
4. Hood, Thomas. 1869. The Rules of Rhyme. London: James Hogg.
5. Hughes, Linda K. 2020. Enclosing Forms, Opening Spaces: The 1880s Fixed-Verse Revival. In Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: The 1880s, ed. Penny Fielding and Andrew Taylor, 34–52. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.