Ødegård Atle,Bjørkly Stål
AbstractThis chapter provides a novel framework for risk assessment and management by combining the Perception of Interprofessional Collaboration Model (PINCOM) and Historical-Clinical-Risk Management-20, Version 3 (HCR-20V3). PINCOM was developed to identify central aspects of interprofessional collaboration, whereas HCR-20V3 is the most used instrument in risk assessment of violence worldwide. The main scope of this chapter is to introduce and discuss the feasibility of combining the two tools to enhance collaboration between service providers in the mental health and criminal justice systems. First, we describe the HCR-20V3 and suggest how parts of it can be jointly used as a tool for concrete collaboration in the practice field. Next, we present the PINCOM tool, containing a conceptual model (PINCOM) and a research methodology (PINCOM-Q). It is suggested that the HCR-20V3 serves as a meeting point between different professionals for being concrete in joint casework. PINCOM can then be used within a larger social innovation framework and as a reflective tool during or after this structured professional assessment and acting as a catalyser for constructive collaboration.
Springer International Publishing
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