1. Ourisson G, Albrecht P, Rohmer M (1984) The microbial origin of fossil fuels. Sci Am 251:44–51
2. Walters CC (2006) The origin of petroleum. Chapter 2 In: Hsu CS, Robinson PR (eds) Practical advances in petroleum processing. Springer, New York
3. Miller SL (1953) Production of amino acids under possible primitive earth conditions. Science 117(3046):528–529
4. Horowitz H (1992) Beginnings of cellular life. Yale University Press, New Haven
5. In 1757, Lomonosov fathered the theory that oil originates from biologincal materials: http://pineislandnews.com/Pine_Island_News_Blog/content/1757-lomonosov-fathered-theory-oil-originates-biological-material. (Accessed on 10 Nov 2016)