1. Byegun, S.V.: Development of bioenergy in Ukraine: application of EU experience, Energety’chna ta texnogenna bezpeka. Seriya Nacional’na bezpeka 28, 1–19 (2020)
2. State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Economic statistics, Economic activity, Energy, Energy balance of Ukraine (2018–2019). http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ Accessed 20 Mar 2023
3. Bioenergy can replace the consumption in Ukraine of 5.2 billion m3 of natural gas per year https://agropolit.com/blog/522-bioenergetika-zdatna-zamistiti-spojivannya-v-ukrayini-52-mlrd-m3-prirodnogo-gazu-za-rik Accessed 29 Mar 2023
4. Bioenergy in Ukraine is already replacing 5.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas.https://zn.ua/ukr/ECONOMICS/bioenerhetika-v-ukrajini-vzhe-zamishchuje-5-2-mlrd-kubometri-prirodnoho-hazu.html Accessed 27 Mar 2023
5. Development of bioenergy in the EU.: Barriers to the Development of Bioenergy in Ukraine. https://uabio.org/wp-con-tent/uploads/2023/02/Geletuha_G_Rozvytok_bioenergetyky_v_YES_Baryery_dlya_rozvytku_bioenergetyky Accessed 29 Mar 2023